Thursday, December 19, 2013

Dotting the I’s and Crossing the T’s: Successful Strategies for Making the Best Sale

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Merrill DataSite brought together a panel of industry experts to discuss the selling strategies that attract the best investors and achieve the highest valuations. This ROUNDTABLE report provides the complete transcript of their insightful discussion about the key factors buyers look for when evaluating targets.

About Merrill DataSite
Merrill DataSite is a secure virtual data room (VDR) solution that optimises the due diligence process by providing a highly efficient and secure method for sharing key business information between multiple parties. Merrill DataSite provides unlimited access for users worldwide, as well as real-time activity reports, site-wide search at the document level, enhanced communications through the Q&A feature and superior project management service - all of which help reduce transaction time and expense. Merrill DataSite’s multilingual support staff is available from anywhere in the world, 24/7, and can have your VDR up and running with thousands of pages loaded within 24 hours or less.
With its deep roots in transaction and compliance services, Merrill Corporation has a cultural, organisation-wide discipline in the management and processing of confidential content. Merrill DataSite is the first VDR provider to understand customer and industry needs by earning an ISO/IEC 27001:2005 certificate of registration – the highest standard for information security – and is currently the world’s only VDR certified for operations in the Europe, United States and Asia.
As the leading provider of VDR solutions, Merrill DataSite has empowered more than two million unique visitors to perform electronic due diligence on thousands of transactions totalling trillions of dollars in asset value. Merrill DataSite VDR solution has become an essential tool in an efficient and legally defensible process for completing multiple types of financial transactions.
For more information, please contact Merrill DataSite: Tel: 1-866-867-0309
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Webinar Playback: Best Practices for Strategic Growth: Where to Invest in the Maturing U.S. Economy

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Merrill DataSite and ACG Global brought together a panel of leading experts to explore current trends in M&A and how they’re shaping acquisition strategies. The panel makes recommendations on modifying deal approach and deal team composition to ensure greater success in domestic and cross-border transactions. Register here for the webinar playback.

About Merrill DataSite

Merrill DataSite is a secure virtual data room (VDR) solution that optimises the due diligence process by providing a highly efficient and secure method for sharing key business information between multiple parties. Merrill DataSite provides unlimited access for users worldwide, as well as real-time activity reports, site-wide search at the document level, enhanced communications through the Q&A feature and superior project management service - all of which help reduce transaction time and expense. Merrill DataSite’s multilingual support staff is available from anywhere in the world, 24/7, and can have your VDR up and running with thousands of pages loaded within 24 hours or less.

With its deep roots in transaction and compliance services, Merrill Corporation has a cultural, organisation-wide discipline in the management and processing of confidential content. Merrill DataSite is the first VDR provider to understand customer and industry needs by earning an ISO/IEC 27001:2005 certificate of registration – the highest standard for information security – and is currently the world’s only VDR certified for operations in the Europe, United States and Asia.

As the leading provider of VDR solutions, Merrill DataSite has empowered more than two million unique visitors to perform electronic due diligence on thousands of transactions totalling trillions of dollars in asset value. Merrill DataSite VDR solution has become an essential tool in an efficient and legally defensible process for completing multiple types of financial transactions.

For more information, please contact Merrill DataSite: Tel: 1-866-399-3770;
Email:; Web:

Register for the webinar playback:

Follow us on Twitter: @merrilldatasite

Friday, December 13, 2013

Foreign acquisitions look to be driven by US corporate tax rate

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A new trend indicates that tax policy appears to be influencing the mergers and acquisitions decisions being made by multinational companies.

According to a recent New York Times report, cash-rich international firms such as search engine giant Google ended 3Q 2013 with $56 billion in cash held in the US and overseas.

The technology firm is said to be holding more of its cash reserves outside of the US – as around 55 per cent of its quarter 3 revenue came from overseas sources - in a bid to potentially set up a series of acquisitions of foreign companies.

Google's plans seem to follow in the footsteps of another cash-rich tech multinational, Microsoft, which recently acquired Nokia's phone assets for $7.2 billion. Also supporting this trend is Cisco's recent $5 billion purchase of British video company, NDS.

These purchases seem to add weight to the argument that large scale M&A decisions are being made based on certain tax policies. Indeed, BGC Financial analyst, Colin Gillis, confirmed to The New York Times that it was an obvious business decision, saying: “If I was starting a tech company, I’d put it in Luxembourg so I could get bought with a U.S. company’s offshore cash.”

Using offshore income to snap up foreign assets does seem to make more sense on a profitability level than bringing the cash back into the US in order to buy a domestic company asset. The added costs of bringing money back into the US could total millions, depending on the foreign tax credit position of the firm.

Director of deals intelligence at Thomson Reuters, Matthew Toole, told Forbes that there had been 1,554 foreign acquisitions made by cash-rich US companies that appear on the S&P 500 so far this year. Mr Toole listed the total value of those deals at $119 billion.

He confirmed that, although the number of deals has been declining since its 2007 peak, when a total of 2,797 outbound, cross-border deals were carried out, the most recent tally still adds weight to the belief that tax does play a key part in the M&A decisions made by large corporations.

The trend throws up some debate over the recent proposals regarding corporate tax reform in the US, which, if pushed through, would make it tougher for US firms to keep their assets offshore. The reforms could make it more beneficial for these firms to move their cash and assets to the US, which could then impact corporate strategy and, in turn, any M&A decisions being made.

About Merrill DataSite
Merrill DataSite is a secure virtual data room (VDR) solution that optimises the due diligence process by providing a highly efficient and secure method for sharing key business information between multiple parties. Merrill DataSite provides unlimited access for users worldwide, as well as real-time activity reports, site-wide search at the document level, enhanced communications through the Q&A feature and superior project management service - all of which help reduce transaction time and expense. Merrill DataSite’s multilingual support staff is available from anywhere in the world, 24/7, and can have your VDR up and running with thousands of pages loaded within 24 hours or less.
With its deep roots in transaction and compliance services, Merrill Corporation has a cultural, organisation-wide discipline in the management and processing of confidential content. Merrill DataSite is the first VDR provider to understand customer and industry needs by earning an ISO/IEC 27001:2005 certificate of registration – the highest standard for information security – and is currently the world’s only VDR certified for operations in the Europe, United States and Asia.
As the leading provider of VDR solutions, Merrill DataSite has empowered more than two million unique visitors to perform electronic due diligence on thousands of transactions totalling trillions of dollars in asset value. Merrill DataSite VDR solution has become an essential tool in an efficient and legally defensible process for completing multiple types of financial transactions.
For more information, please contact Merrill DataSite: Tel: 1-866-867-0309
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Follow us on Twitter: @merrilldatasite

Monthly M&A Insider, November 2013-MD

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Merrill DataSite, in association with mergermarket, presents the November edition of the Monthly M&A Insider Report which provides an insight into global deal flow by region, detailing transactional statistics and commentary for Latin America, North America, Asia Pacific, Europe, and The Middle East & Africa.

About Merrill DataSite

Merrill DataSite is a secure virtual data room (VDR) solution that optimises the due diligence process by providing a highly efficient and secure method for sharing key business information between multiple parties. Merrill DataSite provides unlimited access for users worldwide, as well as real-time activity reports, site-wide search at the document level, enhanced communications through the Q&A feature and superior project management service - all of which help reduce transaction time and expense. Merrill DataSite’s multilingual support staff is available from anywhere in the world, 24/7, and can have your VDR up and running with thousands of pages loaded within 24 hours or less.

With its deep roots in transaction and compliance services, Merrill Corporation has a cultural, organisation-wide discipline in the management and processing of confidential content. Merrill DataSite is the first VDR provider to understand customer and industry needs by earning an ISO/IEC 27001:2005 certificate of registration – the highest standard for information security – and is currently the world’s only VDR certified for operations in the Europe, United States and Asia.

As the leading provider of VDR solutions, Merrill DataSite has empowered more than two million unique visitors to perform electronic due diligence on thousands of transactions totalling trillions of dollars in asset value. Merrill DataSite VDR solution has become an essential tool in an efficient and legally defensible process for completing multiple types of financial transactions.

For more information, please contact Merrill DataSite: Tel: 1-866-399-3770;
Email:; Web:

Download the report here:
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