Thursday, October 31, 2013

Major deals fueling M&A confidence across the globe

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Global M&A for quarters one to three of this year had a total value of $1,606.7 billion, representing a 5.5 per cent increase on the same time period last year, according to data from Mergermarket. This year is now on track to record the highest total M&A deal value since 2008.

Much of the reason behind the increase in M&A activity – which saw a 41.5 per cent rise in deal values from quarter three of 2012 to quarter three of 2013 – has been attributed to the improving stability of the European economy, with confidence growing as firms look once more to make strategic purchases against a more solid economic backdrop.

One of the most significant deals to take place this year was the $130 billion Vodafone-Verizon deal, representing the biggest US-based corporate deal since 2001. Largely as a result of this deal, September was ranked as the top month in terms of deal values of 2013 so far.

Corporate head at international law firm Macfarlanes, Charles Meek, told Legal Week: “Our role on the Verizon deal has kept a lot of people busy. But we are now seeing a bit of a pick-up in activity across the board and, although deals are still taking time and still carry quite a bit of uncertainty, we are reasonably optimistic for the rest of the year. The current economic news and the absence of a recent euro crisis seem to be helping,” he added.

Some of the other mega deals recorded over the last few months include the acquisition of food heavyweight Heinz by Berkshire Hathaway and 3G Capital in a transaction worth $28 billion. Co-head of M&A at law firm Freshfields, Ben Spiers, told the publication: “With some CEOs being bolder this will no doubt help others – M&A is so much about confidence.”

Corporate and capital markets partner at Linklaters, Tom Shropshire, confirmed that, while global markets were “sensing more activity in the US at this stage of the economic upturn,” there remained challenges to M&A activity.

“The continuing challenge is that, while there are big deals, we still would like to see a steady flow of smaller and medium-sized deals to complement that larger deal activity,” he told Legal Week. “We are cautiously optimistic about the months ahead, particularly if IPOs start happening; however, there are 'headwind' risks, including the US Government shutdown and spending limits,” Mr Shropshire went on to say.

About Merrill DataSite

Merrill DataSite is a secure virtual data room (VDR) solution that optimises the due diligence process by providing a highly efficient and secure method for sharing key business information between multiple parties. Merrill DataSite provides unlimited access for users worldwide, as well as real-time activity reports, site-wide search at the document level, enhanced communications through the Q&A feature and superior project management service - all of which help reduce transaction time and expense. Merrill DataSite’s multilingual support staff is available from anywhere in the world, 24/7, and can have your VDR up and running with thousands of pages loaded within 24 hours or less.

With its deep roots in transaction and compliance services, Merrill Corporation has a cultural, organisation-wide discipline in the management and processing of confidential content. Merrill DataSite is the first VDR provider to understand customer and industry needs by earning an ISO/IEC 27001:2005 certificate of registration – the highest standard for information security – and is currently the world’s only VDR certified for operations in the Europe, United States and Asia.

As the leading provider of VDR solutions, Merrill DataSite has empowered more than two million unique visitors to perform electronic due diligence on thousands of transactions totalling trillions of dollars in asset value. Merrill DataSite VDR solution has become an essential tool in an efficient and legally defensible process for completing multiple types of financial transactions.

For more information, please contact Merrill DataSite: Tel: 1-866-399-3770;
Email:; Web:

Read the full article here:

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M&A in Focus: Global Trends in Oil and Gas

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Seizing the right opportunities in M&A and making smart investment decisions hinges on having the best information available.

In the energy sector, the international oil and gas market remains primed for ongoing merger and acquisition activity. As existing fields mature and decline, growing demand is spurring ongoing exploration and development in locations throughout the world, as well as new technologies such as those being employed in the North American “tight oil” or “shale gas” fields. Find out what the future promises for energy M&A in our complimentary white paper.

About Merrill DataSite

Merrill DataSite is a secure virtual data room (VDR) solution that optimises the due diligence process by providing a highly efficient and secure method for sharing key business information between multiple parties. Merrill DataSite provides unlimited access for users worldwide, as well as real-time activity reports, site-wide search at the document level, enhanced communications through the Q&A feature and superior project management service - all of which help reduce transaction time and expense. Merrill DataSite’s multilingual support staff is available from anywhere in the world, 24/7, and can have your VDR up and running with thousands of pages loaded within 24 hours or less.

With its deep roots in transaction and compliance services, Merrill Corporation has a cultural, organisation-wide discipline in the management and processing of confidential content. Merrill DataSite is the first VDR provider to understand customer and industry needs by earning an ISO/IEC 27001:2005 certificate of registration – the highest standard for information security – and is currently the world’s only VDR certified for operations in the Europe, United States and Asia.

As the leading provider of VDR solutions, Merrill DataSite has empowered more than two million unique visitors to perform electronic due diligence on thousands of transactions totalling trillions of dollars in asset value. Merrill DataSite VDR solution has become an essential tool in an efficient and legally defensible process for completing multiple types of financial transactions.

For more information, please contact Merrill DataSite: Tel: 1-866-867-0309
Email:; Web:

Download the white paper here:

Follow us on Twitter: @merrilldatasite

Friday, October 25, 2013

M&A Monthly Insider, October 2013

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Merrill DataSite, in association with mergermarket, has produced the Monthly M&A Insider Report for October 2013.

This report provides valuable insight into global deal flow by region, and details transactional statistics and commentary for Europe, Asia Pacific, North America, Latin America, and The Middle East & Africa.

Q3 2013 brought about long-awaited good news for M&A. Although deal making saw a slim 2% year-on-year (YoY) decline in volume to 3,145 deals, value jumped 30% to US$654.9bn over the same period. Optimistically, the factors underpinning this increase are diverse, indicating a comprehensive improvement in deal making.


About Merrill DataSite

Merrill DataSite is a secure virtual data room (VDR) solution that optimises the due diligence process by providing a highly efficient and secure method for sharing key business information between multiple parties. Merrill DataSite provides unlimited access for users worldwide, as well as real-time activity reports, site-wide search at the document level, enhanced communications through the Q&A feature and superior project management service - all of which help reduce transaction time and expense. Merrill DataSite’s multilingual support staff is available from anywhere in the world, 24/7/365, and can have your VDR up and running with thousands of pages loaded within 24 hours or less.

With its deep roots in transaction and compliance services, Merrill Corporation has a cultural, organisation-wide discipline in the management and processing of confidential content. Merrill DataSite is the first VDR provider to understand customer and industry needs by earning an ISO 27001certificate of registration – the highest standard for information security – and is currently the world’s only VDR certified for operations in the Europe, United States and Asia.

As the leading provider of VDR solutions, Merrill DataSite has empowered more than two million unique visitors to perform electronic due diligence on thousands of transactions totalling trillions of dollars in asset value. Merrill DataSite VDR solution has become an essential tool in an efficient and legally defensible process for completing multiple types of financial transactions.

For more information, please contact Merrill DataSite: Tel: +44 (0)845 602 6916;
Email:; Web:

Follow us on Twitter: @merrilldatasite

Thursday, October 17, 2013

The Best Practices of the Best M&A Dealmakers – Creating and Executing a Winning M&A Strategy

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Drawing on the experience and expertise of the ‘best in class’ dealmakers, The M&A Advisor, together with Merrill Datasite, is publishing the quintessential dealmakers guide series – The Best Practices of The Best Dealmakers. This installment: “Creating and Executing a Winning M&A Strategy” addresses how the most successful M&A dealmakers are refining their approach to win in today’s competitive deal environment. 

Simply fill out the registration form to download it today.

About Merrill DataSite

Merrill DataSite is a secure virtual data room (VDR) solution that optimises the due diligence process by providing a highly efficient and secure method for sharing key business information between multiple parties. Merrill DataSite provides unlimited access for users worldwide, as well as real-time activity reports, site-wide search at the document level, enhanced communications through the Q&A feature and superior project management service - all of which help reduce transaction time and expense. Merrill DataSite’s multilingual support staff is available from anywhere in the world, 24/7, and can have your VDR up and running with thousands of pages loaded within 24 hours or less. 

With its deep roots in transaction and compliance services, Merrill Corporation has a cultural, organisation-wide discipline in the management and processing of confidential content. Merrill DataSite is the first VDR provider to understand customer and industry needs by earning an ISO/IEC 27001:2005 certificate of registration – the highest standard for information security – and is currently the world’s only VDR certified for operations in the Europe, United States and Asia. 

As the leading provider of VDR solutions, Merrill DataSite has empowered more than two million unique visitors to perform electronic due diligence on thousands of transactions totalling trillions of dollars in asset value. Merrill DataSite VDR solution has become an essential tool in an efficient and legally defensible process for completing multiple types of financial transactions.

For more information, please contact Merrill DataSite: Tel: 1-866-867-0309
Email:; Web:

Follow us on Twitter: @merrilldatasite

Canadian mining M&A slump primed for a turnaround

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Legal experts have countered that there are myriad deals brewing beneath the surface in Canada’s mining sector, despite a belief that mergers and acquisitions in the industry are heading towards a record low.

According to research from PricewaterhouseCoopers LLC, 649 mining M&A deals took place in the first six months of 2013, a drop of 31 per cent from the same time period the year before. This has been attributed in part to cautious company leaders, unwilling to make the same mistakes in relation to deals that cost some of their peers their jobs. 

M&A activity looked set to remain slow for the duration of this year as the second half began, but an uptick was noticed around six weeks ago. The reason behind this new interest in M&A across the mining sector is pure and simple - opportunity. Miners are seeing acquisitions as a viable option once more thanks to stock prices which are sitting at record lows, giving them the opportunity to snap up quality development assets at major discounts – a rare thing indeed. 
It is believed that M&A deals will really start to pick up once commodity prices have stabilized – something which is already starting to happen. In turn, mining stock valuations will improve, which will help to reassure jittery CEOs and push activity higher. 

Major deals of the last few months are an indication of things to come. Lundin Mining Corp. and Capstone Mining Corp. both purchased non-core assets from senior firms, while Alamos Gold Inc and New Gold Inc. bought up development companies in the light of cheap valuations. In terms of mergers, Fission Uranium Corp. and Alpha Minerals Inc. merged in a deal just last month. 

Kevin Thomson of Davies Ward Phillips & Vineberg LLP in Toronto hinted to National Post that all the signs of a return to the previous strong M&A activity in the sector were in place, telling the news source: “The mining space in Canada is one of the most entrepreneurial groups in the world. They won’t sit on the sidelines forever.”

About Merrill DataSite

Merrill DataSite is a secure virtual data room (VDR) solution that optimises the due diligence process by providing a highly efficient and secure method for sharing key business information between multiple parties. Merrill DataSite provides unlimited access for users worldwide, as well as real-time activity reports, site-wide search at the document level, enhanced communications through the Q&A feature and superior project management service - all of which help reduce transaction time and expense. Merrill DataSite’s multilingual support staff is available from anywhere in the world, 24/7, and can have your VDR up and running with thousands of pages loaded within 24 hours or less. 

With its deep roots in transaction and compliance services, Merrill Corporation has a cultural, organisation-wide discipline in the management and processing of confidential content. Merrill DataSite is the first VDR provider to understand customer and industry needs by earning an ISO/IEC 27001:2005 certificate of registration – the highest standard for information security – and is currently the world’s only VDR certified for operations in the Europe, United States and Asia. 

As the leading provider of VDR solutions, Merrill DataSite has empowered more than two million unique visitors to perform electronic due diligence on thousands of transactions totalling trillions of dollars in asset value. Merrill DataSite VDR solution has become an essential tool in an efficient and legally defensible process for completing multiple types of financial transactions.

For more information, please contact Merrill DataSite: Tel: 1-866-399-3770; 
Email:; Web:

Read the full article here:

Follow us on Twitter: @merrilldatasite

M&A in2014: Question time Ensure Deal Success

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On Wednesday, 6th November 2013, Merrill DataSite will be hosting a London Breakfast Briefing for M&A professionals and dealmakers. This event will see a panel of M&A industry experts challenged by you, the audience, on the hot M&A topics right now and heading into 2014. RSVP to reserve your seat now!

About Merrill DataSite

Merrill DataSite is a secure virtual data room (VDR) solution that optimises the due diligence process by providing a highly efficient and secure method for sharing key business information between multiple parties. Merrill DataSite provides unlimited access for users worldwide, as well as real-time activity reports, site-wide search at the document level, enhanced communications through the Q&A feature and superior project management service - all of which help reduce transaction time and expense. Merrill DataSite’s multilingual support staff is available from anywhere in the world, 24/7/365, and can have your VDR up and running with thousands of pages loaded within 24 hours or less. 

With its deep roots in transaction and compliance services, Merrill Corporation has a cultural, organisation-wide discipline in the management and processing of confidential content. Merrill DataSite is the first VDR provider to understand customer and industry needs by earning an ISO 27001certificate of registration – the highest standard for information security – and is currently the world’s only VDR certified for operations in the Europe, United States and Asia. 

As the leading provider of VDR solutions, Merrill DataSite has empowered more than two million unique visitors to perform electronic due diligence on thousands of transactions totalling trillions of dollars in asset value. Merrill DataSite VDR solution has become an essential tool in an efficient and legally defensible process for completing multiple types of financial transactions.

For more information, please contact Merrill DataSite: Tel: +44 (0)845 602 6916; 
Email:; Web:

Follow us on Twitter: @merrilldatasite

M&A Monthly Insider, September 2013

Download the report here:

Merrill DataSite, in association with mergermarket, has produced the Monthly M&A Insider Report for September 2013.

This report provides valuable insight into global deal flow by region, and details transactional statistics and commentary for Europe, Asia Pacific, North America, Latin America, and The Middle East & Africa.

A slew of megadeals continue to contribute to overall deal-making activity, but the likelihood of a potential M&A rebound this year is slim. In the meantime, the TMT sector in North America is likely to see a boost from Verizon’s acquisition of a 45% stake in Verizon Wireless from Vodafone for a whopping US$124bn, announced at the beginning of September.


About Merrill DataSite

Merrill DataSite is a secure virtual data room (VDR) solution that optimises the due diligence process by providing a highly efficient and secure method for sharing key business information between multiple parties. Merrill DataSite provides unlimited access for users worldwide, as well as real-time activity reports, site-wide search at the document level, enhanced communications through the Q&A feature and superior project management service - all of which help reduce transaction time and expense. Merrill DataSite’s multilingual support staff is available from anywhere in the world, 24/7/365, and can have your VDR up and running with thousands of pages loaded within 24 hours or less. 

With its deep roots in transaction and compliance services, Merrill Corporation has a cultural, organisation-wide discipline in the management and processing of confidential content. Merrill DataSite is the first VDR provider to understand customer and industry needs by earning an ISO 27001certificate of registration – the highest standard for information security – and is currently the world’s only VDR certified for operations in the Europe, United States and Asia. 

As the leading provider of VDR solutions, Merrill DataSite has empowered more than two million unique visitors to perform electronic due diligence on thousands of transactions totalling trillions of dollars in asset value. Merrill DataSite VDR solution has become an essential tool in an efficient and legally defensible process for completing multiple types of financial transactions.

For more information, please contact Merrill DataSite: Tel: +44 (0)845 602 6916; 
Email:; Web:

Download the report here:
Follow us on Twitter: @merrilldatasite

Thursday, October 10, 2013

New report analyzes effect of M&A on product quality

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A recent study carried out by Harvard Business School Assistant Professor, Albert W Sheen, looking into the effects that mergers and acquisitions have on companies' products and services has shown that M&A has little – if any – adverse effect on products over time – even as the price of the product is changed. 

The report allays long-held beliefs in business communities that mergers can potentially hit companies' stock prices, job security and – crucially for consumers – product price and quality. The difficulty in tracking the impact on product quality following M&A was that quality is a more inherently subjective trait to track than pricing, which can be easily quantified and assessed through facts and figures. In attempting to quantify the idea of quality, Sheen looked at back issues of Consumer Reports, the comparative consumer product review magazine that has been ranking competitive brands according to quality since 1936. The magazine bases its assessment of quality on in-house testing and customer surveys, giving Sheen decades worth of data to examine.

Sheen said that after a merger deal, the quality of products – or, at the very least – their capabilities and functions often increased, with manufacturers seeking to incorporate all the positive points of products involved in the merger into single marketable entities. For example, Sheen said, “If one vacuum brand had a retractable cord and the other did not, eventually, after the merger, they would both have retractable cords.”

The report has been accepted for publication in the Journal of Finance, and Sheen said that the ultimate lesson to be taken from the research is that M&A activity between consumer goods companies actually result in better value for consumers. He concluded, “I think it confirms a lot of the positive reasons companies give when they engage in mergers.”

About Merrill DataSite

Merrill DataSite is a secure virtual data room (VDR) solution that optimises the due diligence process by providing a highly efficient and secure method for sharing key business information between multiple parties. Merrill DataSite provides unlimited access for users worldwide, as well as real-time activity reports, site-wide search at the document level, enhanced communications through the Q&A feature and superior project management service - all of which help reduce transaction time and expense. Merrill DataSite’s multilingual support staff is available from anywhere in the world, 24/7, and can have your VDR up and running with thousands of pages loaded within 24 hours or less. 

With its deep roots in transaction and compliance services, Merrill Corporation has a cultural, organisation-wide discipline in the management and processing of confidential content. Merrill DataSite is the first VDR provider to understand customer and industry needs by earning an ISO/IEC 27001:2005 certificate of registration – the highest standard for information security – and is currently the world’s only VDR certified for operations in the Europe, United States and Asia. 

As the leading provider of VDR solutions, Merrill DataSite has empowered more than two million unique visitors to perform electronic due diligence on thousands of transactions totalling trillions of dollars in asset value. Merrill DataSite VDR solution has become an essential tool in an efficient and legally defensible process for completing multiple types of financial transactions.

For more information, please contact Merrill DataSite: Tel: 1-866-399-3770; 
Email:; Web:

Read the full artile here:

Follow us on Twitter: @merrilldatasite

M&A Monthly Insider, September 2013

Download the report here:

Merrill Datasite, in association with mergermarket, presents the September edition of the M&A Monthly Insider Report which provides an insight into global deal flow by region, detailing transactional statistics and commentary for Latin America, North America, Asia Pacific, Europe, and The Middle East & Africa.

About Merrill DataSite
Merrill DataSite is a secure virtual data room (VDR) solution that optimises the due diligence process by providing a highly efficient and secure method for sharing key business information between multiple parties. Merrill DataSite provides unlimited access for users worldwide, as well as real-time activity reports, site-wide search at the document level, enhanced communications through the Q&A feature and superior project management service - all of which help reduce transaction time and expense. Merrill DataSite’s multilingual support staff is available from anywhere in the world, 24/7, and can have your VDR up and running with thousands of pages loaded within 24 hours or less. 

With its deep roots in transaction and compliance services, Merrill Corporation has a cultural, organisation-wide discipline in the management and processing of confidential content. Merrill DataSite is the first VDR provider to understand customer and industry needs by earning an ISO/IEC 27001:2005 certificate of registration – the highest standard for information security – and is currently the world’s only VDR certified for operations in the Europe, United States and Asia. 

As the leading provider of VDR solutions, Merrill DataSite has empowered more than two million unique visitors to perform electronic due diligence on thousands of transactions totalling trillions of dollars in asset value. Merrill DataSite VDR solution has become an essential tool in an efficient and legally defensible process for completing multiple types of financial transactions.

For more information, please contact Merrill DataSite: Tel: 1-866-399-3770
Email:; Web:

Download the report here: 

Follow us on Twitter: @merrilldatasite

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

How to Choose the Right Investment Banker for a Sales Transaction

Read the full article here:
For executives of small to medium sized businesses (SMBs), it can be challenging to determine what advice is necessary to prepare the company for sale, particularly if this is a first time experience for them. While the temptation may be strong for founders or owners to manage the sales process themselves, experienced M&A investors advise strongly against this. It’s too risky. With a false sense of security in their own dealmaking capabilities, company executives are often blindsided by the nuances and specialization required in an M&A or capital-raising transaction.
At a minimum, sellers should engage in the services of a sell-side investment banker. We asked Harry Durity, an expert dealmaker whose M&A career includes more than 300 M&A transactions for firms such as RJR and ADP, to share some practical tips. “First and foremost, you need to find an investment bank who specializes in your industry,” Durity said, “The right firm can be instrumental in helping you identify a much wider list of possible buyers than you may have anticipated, and will also help you achieve the best possible valuation for your company.”
In addition to industry experience, it’s important to choose a banker that has the right level of access to decision makers. “At the end of the day, a large part of making the right choice is finding an agent or advisor with the ability to reach the right people at the right level, who can act on their interest in your company,” Durity said, “so choose advisors who can demonstrably reach those senior level decision makers who can make a deal happen.”
If you’re in the market for an investment banker, keep the following in mind:
Seek advice within your professional network. Your peers may know of investment banks that were involved with the sale of other companies in your industry. Another potential source for ideas may be professional organizations such as theAssociation for Corporate Growth or The M&A Advisor.
Compare banks. Large global investment banks often include a range of industries and a broad portfolio of services. Mid-market investment banks, on the other hand, tend to focus on one or a few industries. The best approach is to identify several potential banks and interview each firm thoroughly to determine their depth of experience, the size and depth of their team, and the full value of services they will bring to the table.
Explore conflicts of interest. Find out if there are any potential conflicts of interest that may exist on the bank’s team or across the entire firm. Do they have other teams working in parallel on potential deals that may be in conflict? How do they propose to protect your interests?
Meet the teams. Take the time to meet with everyone who will be working on your team from the senior advisors to junior associates. Ask probing questions that will give you a sense of how this team will work with your team and also promote your company’s interests.
Discuss fees structures. Some banks may have a published schedule of fees, others will not. Some will require a retainer, others will waive it. It’s important to talk through the fee structure as it applies to the entire process, and get detailed enough information so that you can compare your options.
The bottom line? Thorough due diligence counts when you’re looking for an investment bank to represent your company in what is likely one of the most important milestones in its growth.
On this important decision, Durity had some final words of advice: “Don’t make the decision solely on price,” he said. “I have seen a number of companies choose an investment bank primarily based on fees and frankly, it was a mistake.”
As you’re comparing your options, keep in mind, you want the absolute best ally on your side. The team that can demonstrate that it’s going to do whatever it takes to help you achieve the best possible price and ensure a certainty of close is well worth the fees.

About Merrill DataSite
Merrill DataSite is a secure virtual data room (VDR) solution that optimises the due diligence process by providing a highly efficient and secure method for sharing key business information between multiple parties. Merrill DataSite provides unlimited access for users worldwide, as well as real-time activity reports, site-wide search at the document level, enhanced communications through the Q&A feature and superior project management service - all of which help reduce transaction time and expense. Merrill DataSite’s multilingual support staff is available from anywhere in the world, 24/7, and can have your VDR up and running with thousands of pages loaded within 24 hours or less. 

With its deep roots in transaction and compliance services, Merrill Corporation has a cultural, organisation-wide discipline in the management and processing of confidential content. Merrill DataSite is the first VDR provider to understand customer and industry needs by earning an ISO/IEC 27001:2005 certificate of registration – the highest standard for information security – and is currently the world’s only VDR certified for operations in the Europe, United States and Asia. 

As the leading provider of VDR solutions, Merrill DataSite has empowered more than two million unique visitors to perform electronic due diligence on thousands of transactions totalling trillions of dollars in asset value. Merrill DataSite VDR solution has become an essential tool in an efficient and legally defensible process for completing multiple types of financial transactions.

For more information, please contact Merrill DataSite: Tel: 1-866-399-3770
Email:; Web:

Read the full article here
Follow us on Twitter: @merrilldatasite