Thursday, October 17, 2013

Canadian mining M&A slump primed for a turnaround

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Legal experts have countered that there are myriad deals brewing beneath the surface in Canada’s mining sector, despite a belief that mergers and acquisitions in the industry are heading towards a record low.

According to research from PricewaterhouseCoopers LLC, 649 mining M&A deals took place in the first six months of 2013, a drop of 31 per cent from the same time period the year before. This has been attributed in part to cautious company leaders, unwilling to make the same mistakes in relation to deals that cost some of their peers their jobs. 

M&A activity looked set to remain slow for the duration of this year as the second half began, but an uptick was noticed around six weeks ago. The reason behind this new interest in M&A across the mining sector is pure and simple - opportunity. Miners are seeing acquisitions as a viable option once more thanks to stock prices which are sitting at record lows, giving them the opportunity to snap up quality development assets at major discounts – a rare thing indeed. 
It is believed that M&A deals will really start to pick up once commodity prices have stabilized – something which is already starting to happen. In turn, mining stock valuations will improve, which will help to reassure jittery CEOs and push activity higher. 

Major deals of the last few months are an indication of things to come. Lundin Mining Corp. and Capstone Mining Corp. both purchased non-core assets from senior firms, while Alamos Gold Inc and New Gold Inc. bought up development companies in the light of cheap valuations. In terms of mergers, Fission Uranium Corp. and Alpha Minerals Inc. merged in a deal just last month. 

Kevin Thomson of Davies Ward Phillips & Vineberg LLP in Toronto hinted to National Post that all the signs of a return to the previous strong M&A activity in the sector were in place, telling the news source: “The mining space in Canada is one of the most entrepreneurial groups in the world. They won’t sit on the sidelines forever.”

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