Sunday, May 17, 2015

The Best Practices of the Best M&A Dealmakers – After the Deal: Strategies and Issues for the Day After Closing

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Drawing on the experience and expertise of the ‘best in class’ dealmakers, The M&A Advisor, together with Merrill Datasite, is publishing the quintessential dealmakers guide series – The Best Practices of The Best Dealmakers. In this, the fourth chapter from the third series “After the Deal: Strategies and Issues for the Day After Closing” we examine the issues that may arise after the signing of the Purchase Agreement and close of the transaction, including balance sheet discrepancies, management issues, earn out expectations and computations, and cultural differences – with both positive and negative post-closing outcomes.
About Merrill DataSite

Merrill DataSite is a secure virtual data room (VDR) solution that optimises the due diligence process by providing a highly efficient and secure method for sharing key business information between multiple parties. Merrill DataSite provides unlimited access for users worldwide, as well as real-time activity reports, site-wide search at the document level, enhanced communications through the Q&A feature and superior project management service - all of which help reduce transaction time and expense. Merrill DataSite’s multilingual support staff is available from anywhere in the world, 24/7, and can have your VDR up and running with thousands of pages loaded within 24 hours or less.

With its deep roots in transaction and compliance services, Merrill Corporation has a cultural, organisation-wide discipline in the management and processing of confidential content. Merrill DataSite is the first VDR provider to understand customer and industry needs by earning an ISO/IEC 27001:2005 certificate of registration – the highest standard for information security – and is currently the world’s only VDR certified for operations in the Europe, United States and Asia.

As the leading provider of VDR solutions, Merrill DataSite has empowered more than two million unique visitors to perform electronic due diligence on thousands of transactions totalling trillions of dollars in asset value. Merrill DataSite VDR solution has become an essential tool in an efficient and legally defensible process for completing multiple types of financial transactions.

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